Meet Amanda Bolton
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our newest team member, Amanda Bolton.
Amanda is a University of Memphis student graduating in May 2014 with her BBA in Marketing Management. She is joining our team as our Digital Media Development Manager. She will be managing accounts and working directly with our team, clients, community partners and public in all facets of our business. Amanda moved to Memphis in 2008 and has quickly found ways to help the local community, now she’s here to help you grow your business.

We are certain her skills will exceed your expectations. On behalf of our team, please join us in welcoming her! – Ray Rico
Please add her contact info to your address book for future reference.
Digital Media Development Manager
Ray Rico Freelance
2294 Young Avenue
Memphis, TN 38104
office 901.800.1172
direct 901.236.4228