Our favorite Ted Talks

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Have you ever seen a Ted Talk that really resonated with you? Ted Talks are an amazing way to learn insider information from professionals. As a marketing agency, we are always looking for new ways to improve our services for our clients. Take a look at our favorite Ted Talks that we feel are important for you to learn something new. 

How Influencers Have Transformed Modern Marketing | Rachel David 

Influencer marketing has been on the rise and continues to increase in popularity. Rachel David dives into how influencer marketing has evolved over time. 

Selling Condoms in the Congo | Amy Lockwood

Amy discusses knowing the buyer’s intent to increase marketing potential.

404, The Story of a Page not Found | Renny Gleeson

Gleeson discusses finding an opportunity in the bad to change the experience for the consumer. 

12 Secrets of Marketing and you Won’t Believe What Happens Next | Naimul Huq

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