Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance

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Gratefulness Journal

2020 has been quite a ride, with ups and downs for everyone. If this year has taught us anything, it is the importance of giving thanks for all we have. We are thankful for you, our customers, community, friends, and family. Your continued support and encouragement throughout this year are what have guided us.

As the Ray Rico Freelance team shares what they are thankful for in 2020, think about all of the blessings in your life and what you are thankful for. After all, did you know that giving thanks can make you happier? It can.

Ray Rico, Owner

Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance 1
Rico and Domingo

In no particular order…

I am thankful for Coors Light.
I am thankful for a roof over my head.
I am thankful for my companion, man’s best friend – Domingo.
I am thankful for my chosen family.
I am thankful for my team of pros.
I am thankful for my community.

Leila Hinkle, Finance & Operations Manager

Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance 2
Leila is giving thanks for her family.

I am thankful for my husband. I know that sounds cheesy, but we are wrapping up the first year of marriage and the rollercoaster has been real. He has stood by me, laughed with me (and at me), and been my rock. I am thankful for healthy children, no matter how irritating they can be most of the time. I am thankful that we have all that we need and more.

Elizabeth McDonnell, Account Manager

Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance 3
Elizabeth and friends

I’m thankful for my friends & family.

Daphne Butler, Art Director

Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance 4
Daphne with her mother and son

I’m thankful for the “bestest” 30th birthday gift… my son Jordan. We have such polar personalities but are still so alike in hidden ways. Even when away at college, he still does his all to make sure to say hi and give love.

I’m thankful for my wonderful Mama. She’s been my rock through great and hard times. All the life-saving/life-changing medical procedures I’ve been through, she was always by my side. Even though she absolutely refused to be my birthing partner. ROFLMBO

Randall Sloan, Traffic Manager

Randall and Family
Randall is giving thanks for his family – including his dog, Toast.

I’m so thankful that for all of my friends and family that are staying healthy. I try not to take it for granted because I’ve seen how little everything else matters when someone gets really sick or injured.

Joan Allison, Creative Director

Joan's Sister in Law and Brother
Joan’s sister and brother-in-law

I’m thankful especially for my sister and brother-in-law. They’ve been a huge support to me in so many ways over the last few years. I’m thankful for my sweet dog, Emma. I’m thankful for my friends, my scooter club, my band, and my extended family.

Sheena Barnett, Digital Media Specialist

Giving Thanks with Ray Rico Freelance 5
The RRF Team explored the BVOE art installation in October.

This year picked me up from everything that was familiar and set me on a new path. It was difficult and painful, but I am thankful it happened. I am so thankful that I had the incredible opportunity to join the talented and caring Ray Rico Freelance team. My co-workers inspire me every day, and I love how we all want the best for each other, our clients, and the community at large. At the beginning of each weekly team meeting, we share one thing we are thankful for or one good thing in our lives. I give thanks for this team’s appreciativeness and positive attitude.

In giving thanks during this year, I can’t forget my amazing mother, my sweet friends, and my beloved cat, McDuff, for keeping me company during this rollercoaster of a year. My mom is my rock, best friend, and inspiration. My friends have done such a good job of letting me know that, despite this pandemic, they are there for me and they care. McDuff has just been awesome, as always.

Ray Rico Freelance wishes you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!

Additional Reading and Links:
Thank You Frontline Workers Yard Sign
Thanksgiving Recipes, RRF Style
Exploring the Exploratorium

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